A Nature surprise

Sometimes I get an unexpected visual gift when I am out taking photos of something else.This was the case last Sunday when Natasha I were out on Maple weekend in Maine. As we traveled inland from York Maine ice began to form on the trees all around us. Though the ice storm caused a lot of damage to the area with many thousands of people in Maine without power it was still beautiful.

Into the woods in Alfred Maine

When there seems to be a great photo everywhere I look I feel like I have to capture everything I see. I have to calm down from the visual overload and really look at what I am photographing so I don’t just take random photos. The world has been transformed by a weather event like an ice storm. Everything looks new. I have the same problem when I travel to a visually stunning new place.

Ice covered Biddeford Maine

Barn on the hill

As we walk to one of the sugarhouses the sun came out and the ice sparkled in the sunlight which made for some spectacular scenery that I hope I could capture and convey what I saw and was feeling at that moment walking on a road in Maine.

Starting to melt

Ice covered tree




Maple Sugaring Time