Blogging again
Hello all, starting to write again, on my photo blog after a long time away. I basically stopped writing and seriously photographing in the middle of the summer. I was working at a part time job to make money and was not inspired to photograph much. I did not see the point of photographing with no outlet to show my images. I just was not excited about what I was photographing.
Then came the turkeys to our yard one summer morning. I was photographing them and just getting images,(I was going to say shots but that just didn’t sound right), and I ask myself how can I get the turkeys personality or look for interesting lighting. This thinking has help me get out of the photographing funk and I have been happier with photos since then.
York Maine
York Maine
I got busy with two jobs in September one of them is photographing action sports for a yearbook company. Editing through sometimes a thousand photos per game and I just did not want to be in front of a computer any more. But now work has slowed down for a while and I am editing the photos I took late summer and fall . I am excited to show everyone what I have photographed and will be blogging on a more regular bases going forward. Thanks turkeys
York Maine
York Maine
York Maine